Income trajectory From that video he stated that the income trajectory is ongoig. Q1 11k Q2 99k Q3 1400k So 9x,14x. So from his perspective then Q4 will blow us away. A projection of 5x would give 7 million. But in all reality with a doubling of the the staffing we are looking at 2800k with additional monies from cash accrual from Q3 of around 20% of income for Q3 which was stated in another video. With that latest pp at 7 million, stagezero has a major windfall in cash presently and in the future with the covid revenue earmarked for promotion of Aristotle. Moneymarrket says news doesn't matter when looking at charts, but I'd say the chicken comes before the egg. The news makes the market and the market will want to buy stagezero stock. So do we jab the jugular first or sweep the leg of the market?