RE:Renewable Energy in CanadaRenewable Electricity will dictate the future of zero carbon fuel. It is only renewable if it comes from wind/solar/hydro. Canada has a lot of hydro, but are hydro dams still being built? Solar isn't going to work well in Canada--not even sun time each day that far north. Xebec needs to push the scenario that power plants powered by RNG are producing Renewable Electricity. RNG is produced from a renewable source just as much as wind or solar. Production of RNG is carbon negative due to capture of biogas from organic wastes that would otherwise be released as Greenhouse Gas. The best plan is to identify all potential organic waste sites. Use 1930's WPA effort to develop those waste sites to produce RNG. Small sites can use Biostream with potential to increase capacity if the waste site becomes larger. Large sites can use conventional XEBEC RNG facilities. Place a Biostream on a farm site, and it will produce RNG as long the animals keep producing waste--basically forever. Same scenario for landfills, municipal waste, and food waste. RNG fueled power plants have the ability to increase production in times of increased electrical usage. Wind/solar/hydro power has no potential to instantly increase electrical production. No wind. No power. No sun. No power. Hydro produces constant electricity but has no potential to gear up output when the need arrives. Xebec is a leader in RNG production. With the Biostream they now have the ability to develop much smaller waste sites efficiently while producing a needed income stream for farmers, landfills, and municipalities. Many landfills no longer allow organic waste disposal. Put the waste into biodigesters and produce RNG. Total Electrification as pushed by government experts and environmentralists will be a catastrophe. RNG from organic waste has the ability for massive expansion and seamless conversion of all the present uses for natural gas. Cooking, heating, fuel for electric power plants. From a pollution aspect, the conversion from diesel to RNG for fueling heavy duty Class 8 trucks would make the air in large cities in China, India, and the rest of the world breathable again. Cummins Wesport engines are making this change today. VOLVO FH LNG trucks in Europe are rapidly increasing market share in Europe. Benefits of RNG for heavy duty trucks versus Total Electric Transportation? On par performance with diesel with identical power and torque, longer range, faster fillup, cheaper initial investment, no need for complete retooling of engines and power trains as RNG uses identical Internal Combustion Engines and powertrains as present day diesel engines. Seemless conversion as fossil natural gas and RNG can be mixed in any proportion. Fossil natural gas fueling power plants can be incrementally replaced over time with RNG as RNG production is ramped up without any change in performance of production of electricity. RNG fueled power plants have the ability to increase or decrease output of electricity as demand changes--wind, solar, and hydro have no ability to increase output in time of need. Every country in the world has an inexhaustable supply of organic waste from farms, landfills, municipal waste, and food waste. Harness that potential energy source to produce RNG. RNG can use the existing storage and transport infrastructure used by fossil natural gas. No need to take quality farm land out of production to expand solar and wind farms.. RNG is the only carbon negative, near zero emission fuel. WIth the production of Biostream, XEBEC has made it possible for smaller farms to participate in production of RNG and develop a new and lucrative income stream while managing the significant problem of animal waste disposal.