Sorting out the Post-Pandemic WorldThe post pandemic world will be different. The most dramatic shift that seems to have happened is the dramatic shift from office to home working. The pandemic forced businesses to allow their workforce to work from home, and it is--well--working. USAA one of the major employers in our area here says that 75% of its employees will work from home--forever.
The result is that less office space is needed. Commercial property values will likely crater. I am presently trying to find a way to short commercial real estate.
Work from home requires less formal attire. So clothing stores may suffer.
Online retailers will expand.
Oil will drop as there is less demand for oil from commuters. Also there will be less polution. Work from home means that many families are getting rid of a vehicle.
Lower oil price, less miles, and less of a demand for vehicles could put a damper in the electric vehicle demand.
However, the home improvement and residential construction industry will soar as people look for larger homes and retrofit their homes for home offices. Also computer networks need to improve to handle the increased bandwidth necessary. All of that takes copper.
Investing in this new world will be fascinating.
Happy guessing.