Change the Name to Desert Mountain HeliumLet's put this company on the map.All shareholders should start contacting (calling/emailing) the main office in Vancouver and suggest that DME change it's name to DESERT MOUNTAIN HELIUM. The stock symbol can remain the same. Who cares about an Oil and Gas project that may never happen or gets sold off. Investors are looking for helium, let's make it easier for them to find the best helium play on the planet.
When I first bought this stock in Jan 2019 for 16 cents, this company was called African Queen Mining (symbol in USA - AFQMF). This company was exploring for gold in Africa, Oil in Oklahoma and Helium in Arizona. Well they gave up on the gold. Then they started to focus on the Helium. BAM they hit it big. I doubt they spend any money of their oil project in OK now. Why confuse the story. It didn't take them long to pitch the gold moniker. I think it's time to loose the ENERGY name and let everyone know that this is a Helium story. It could help generate more interest, volume and price. And price appreciation is why we are all in this stock.
This has already been a 10 to 14 bagger for me. I see it going to $8 to $10 by the end of the year and in 3 years it could be $25 stock. Keep it mind that there are only 60 million shares outstanding. GLTA.