The difference between Leodevoe and Andrew SkafelAnd the only one who has failed to offer a nonexcusable explanation for this difference is Leo. So, why Leo does Andrew possess the talent and resources to be involved with a Tier 1 service provider and to further extend notice of Edgewaters outstanding results by publication in Total Telecom? Total Telecom reaches a global audience of 1000`s of individuals in this industry who have each forgotten more about wifi than you presently know.
And why is it Leo that you find yourself destined to be glued to an anonymous chatroom, 24/7, for 5 yrs to announce what you think you know? You have no idea of the nature of your audience or even if you have one. Have you ever considered that if you have 100 reads on your next post it might only consist of your 1 read, and the other 99 done by myself? Now, is it plausible to use your argument to validate or predict YFI`s future failure, to validating you and your future chances for success? If so, it doesn`t look very bright for you Leo, past, present, or future.
Hence, by endorsing your own methodology for reasonings Leo, nobody should listen to a dam thing you say until you provide a proof of concept of yourself. So far my little friend you appear to be a self conscious, insecure little loser. Come back when you are a CEO rubbing shoulders and engaging with the same quality of people as Andrew, and maybe we will listen to you.