If someone was caught stealing from your pockets or purse in plain daylight, wouldn’t you raise the alarm bells? The current self-serving President & CEO who has been with the company since 2007, has shown a complete lack of interest in the shareholders plight or the share price. In fact, with his tunnel vision, he has managed to take down the IMG share price to its historic lows.
Now, we may have a glimmer of hope on the horizon, There may just be a candidate on the BOD that possesses all attributes of a leader that we so long for. Recently, the company appointed a new CFO, Ms. Daniella Dimitrov, who is recognized to be a highly accomplished and respected executive with extreme leadership experience in both Capital markets and Mining industries. According to her track record, she could be the leader that could turn the company around and rescue us from the abyss! We really need someone that can optimize the vast potential that IMG possesses in its strategic assets. In my professional opinion, "TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE", a new set of lenses is needed and a more vigorous management approach is necessary to tackle the challenges that lie ahead in the mining industry and for IMG. At the next Annual Shareholders Meeting to be held in May 2021, it’s imperative that we exercise our right and cast our vote to remove the President & CEO and elect a new one. The question for all shareholders, “Do we stand still or elect a new President & CEO and move ahead in a new direction”.