RE:Wake up everyone , we NEED Biocloud Yesterday!!!Important post Jilly thanks! So, some folks here may be prepared to disagree with me based on previous arguments and that is cool but let lay share my personal informed perspective:
Like many of you I am a school bus driver (wait what? you aren't?) and I was sent home last march when we closed our schools. All that free time online eventually led me to discover Biocloud and even though I don't have the kind of money some folks here (and I have to wonder how some them ever came across it if you get my drift) have to throw around I invested immediately. Because I knew that aeroslized virus has always been the reason illness spreads in schools and in the warm moist interior of a crowded school bus.
Closing schools meant remote learning.... and that works in someplaces very well. But most school districts (here, there, and everywhere) failed at it. So you not only have politics, but you have more politics as highly paid superintendents look at the prospect of no more career if they don't get the school back open. Yeah, I said that.
The reality has been exposed here already in many cases. Nearby a local bus comany faces investigations amidst charges a bus attendent died of covid after a preventable exposure due to lax protocols. Lax protocols? No, just reality. You do undertsand that bus drivers (american ones anyway) skew older and more conservative,,,, thus not exactly who you would want to really on to take the threat seriously enough. I'm telling you because I live that. I have done this a long time and I can tell you bus drivers' compliance with protocols has to be considered. Secondly, the sheer logistical challenge of scheduling and capacity means all those carefull constructed and much lauded "cohorts" simply don't mean (oops) when they are mixed together on the same bus (and even with different schools and grade levels). Middle school and elementary on the same bus... happening here right now. And that is considered in "compliance" with state guidlines that don't limit capacity other than vehicle rating.
Understanding reality correctly has always been the ultimate Darwinian challenge, no? So, I have remained out of work since we reopened in february becuase I know it is premature here in the US as well. Now that I am fully vaccinated (2nd dose yesterday) I will be returning. But I expect that will be short lived and that we will have to acknowledge reality here all over again with new shutdowns. To say I saw this 6 months ago would seem a boast were it not so simple for anyone to see it.
How have your vaccination efforts been going in Canada? The new story here is we have plenty but the idiot class is refusing to take them so now anybody who wants one can get one in many places but because the idiot class refuses them we are still pretty much as screwed as ever.
My advice, get vaccinated. Install bioclouds. Don't get into the restaurant business. Don't take what your school district tells you at face value. Listen to the teachers before you lose them.