60,000 meters So Tudors drilling no less then 50,000 - 60,000 meters , as per Kens interview he says a third allocated to Goldstorm and the rest of the meterage ( to ? )So with the 2021 drilling plan compared to 2020's could we be 40 mil ounces measured and indicated 10 months from now ? Okay is it just me or can we expect a lot to happen in 2022 as far as an offer possibly to take this off our hands ?
If not then what ,
60,000 meters plus to be drilled again in 2022 ?
How much drilling would an interested major like us to do before they pull the trigger ?
Wouldn't a major that's interested want to stop us drilling soon ?
Ill repost the interview again:
@ 18:15 minutes Ken lays it out https://youtu.be/onaGTP5tuXI