electriqueman wrote: It takes time to negotiate with these big industries. It's like politics, it doesn't change quickly. But at least these industries are changing. LOL
When Peter says something, he delivers. Think about the US Navy contract, it took over a year before the $12M contract was finally signed. The same thing for the 25M$ contract for Drosrite systems.
Now it's the turn of the AM powders and then the torches for the pelletization in my opinion.
If it's not in March like I thought, it will be in April for sure.
"Slow is smooth and smooth is fast" as Peter Pascali says so well. But he will deliver what he says. Don't worry! He has always done it.
He can't say anything or it would be bad information and he has no right to do that.
PYROGENESIS has the potential to change the environment of our planet with its green technologies. We are only a few weeks away from seeing the contracts come out one after the other. It has been a long wait but there is not much left now.
But I am looking forward to it just like you. I've been waiting for this moment since $0.68 and I haven't stopped buying since then so...yes I can't wait.