RE:RE:RE:Bought my first shares todayAn analogy works well.
10 years ago you bought 10% of a $1m house with 9 friends.
The house went up and down and up etc in value due to the real estate market.
You all decided to renovate it to make it worth $2m because the market was up a couple years later so you borrowed money.
Then the real estate market (and rents) went down and you needed to bring in 40 more partners to pay down the loan that you were not getting enough cas-flow such that the rent could be paid.
The 50 of you hold the house a few more years, gradually fixing and making it better (while the elements wear it down a bit)
Then the health authorities shut the house down just before some new tenants are about to pay you a really great return (cash-flow) on your investment (to pay down builders loans)
Ohhhhhh.... what to do??
Borrow more money.... nope, now lenders unless huge interest.
Okay bring in more partners, use their money to pay the loans.
Now 100 people own the house and the house is now worth $2.5m
The problem is you own 1 of 100 shares now. Your share is worth 25k now.
Will your share go back to 100k plus lost opportunity or intersest... well maybe it will provided the real eastate market (copper) goes up enough.
Will NCU go to $6.00 ... maybe, but probably only if the real estate value (copper) goes to $6.00 or so and stays there.
Does this help or make sense?
on-target wrote: notgnu, A quote from Bank of America, "WE think copper can once again rise above $4.54 LB, at some stage"
Now then, I'm not a pro at determinining what share price NCU can be a year from now, 2 year, 3 year. Who can till production starts and produced copper data is made public.
But the fact is NCU was @ $6.00 at it's history. Why can't do it again? NCU just increased the lifting compasity in one shaft. Infact a NR just said the shaft was built to accommodate much more volume than the setup is at now. So they can increase vol. more, IMO.
The bottom line, I think is that once it produces, pays off dept, the they get paid on that vol.
The vol goes up, our share price goes up, just like a major, right? Am I missing something?
I just bought in on a producer today @ $0.14
This doesn't happen every day!!
Yes, you'll have to buy and wait for a great return. Would you rather pay $20 a share and get a whole lot less shares for buying an already established company.
NCU is all permitted for the U/G mine and hte Open pit mine. Ready to go!!
On NCU you're getting in on the groung floor.