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SponsorsOne Brands Inc SPONF

SponsorsOne Brands Inc. is engaged in brand creation and digital marketing through influencer marketing, storytelling, and digital commerce with the SponsorCoin platform and its smart contract-based digital currency. SponsorCoin allows brands to build and manage exclusive and highly engaged communities of salespeople and marketers within the social realm. The SponsorCoin platform provides data-driven marketing campaigns that change how brands connect with their customers. SponsorCoin is a tool for brands to make real movements around their products and services. The Company’s subsidiaries include S1 Brands Inc., Premier Beverage Consortium Inc., and HS Brands Inc. S1 Brands Inc., builds wholesale/retail distribution channels for its internal brands, acting as a master distributor. Premier Beverage Consortium Inc. provides a ready to drink product called Doc Wylder's. HS Brands Inc. provides multiple premium products, such as Primero Hemp Smokes and Suede Hemp Smokes.

GREY:SPONF - Post by User

Post by Longhauler40on Mar 30, 2021 9:09am
Post# 32904802


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