manipulation ....think about it .....if the stock goes to $ 10 all the crooked banksters will sell you there shares and then drive down the price in this circular game ... lol .... very few get insider shares ...when the company is looking to raise funds it is the banksters that get the call not you and me .... the banksters underwright the shares and off load the book on the public .... they are purposely ho;ding the share price here ...and if you have a few spare shekals you would be wise the slowly pick up share in both fec and oyl they both trade in the u s as well ...this is classic accumulation buy the investment banking comunity not be supprised if so minor negetive news comes out soon so they can scoop up somemore shares from the weak hands .... g l t all been in and out over 12 years and am buying a little / day /////