RE:IPL bidBuyers at todays prices are gambling that there will be a higher competing bid. Current shareholders who don't want to own BIPC shares can take the current bid of $17.95 and run, pocketing more than if tendering. If you could do a 100% stock exchange for BIPC at $94.80 you would be getting $19.52 for your shares. A nice premium. Your risk there is that they will prorate and you might only get 23.8% of your tender in shares and the rest cash, which means you would net a value of $17.21 at todays prices. It's not a simple decision and there is risk. It really all depends on at what price you got your original IPL shares. As the tender deadline approaches and if there is no apparent competing bid, IPL shares will likely start to drop in value back towards the $16.50 or the combo value of 72.6% cash and 23.8% BIPC stock.
randomexplore wrote: the bid of $16.50 for IPL is 7.4% below IPL trading price and the stock exchange is 25% below the tranding price.
Whiy would anybid tender to this bid?