NON GEOLOGIST EYES No, i'm no geologist.
But sometimes - every now and then, and this can span across many business sectors, another is able to see something many have missed.
I may piss off a few geologists - but that's ok, for i feel it's better to get it right, than, have many juniors interpret a range with so many - interpretations.
Wil lanother interpretation - hurt ?
Hell no.
I feel most gold B.C. juniors fal linto two distinct categories.
- placer gold
- gold vein deposits - chasing veins.
One only has to read the reports to know, this is true.
But... what if B.C. has something similar going on - same as other continental geological
formations ?
Where i feel del norte has been misinterpreted is,
too much emphasis on the - veining.
One junior after another, repeating the same footsteps - tracking the lg vein.
Yet.. .the pictures tell another story...
A stroy that shows dykes + large veins but with another element that is very apparent.
Shales - are not rrally spoken about.
And, the picture ofthe shales do show strong minerlaization with in the laminate banding.
It's along theface of the range.
It's in the, sp zone, k zone ( upper + lower )
With in these kzone pics - ican see a dyke or large vein aside of the shales.
Yet.. the shales are far more dominate.
So.. .here's my take on del norte.
I feel the shales are - pre vein intrusiion -
shales most likely were first on the scene - under the ocean.
created by magma laminating the layering.
= true source of, upper del norte - silver.
later, the sedimentry shales experienced a fissure and thus a vein was spawned.
fastforward - Ocean floor upheaves, platonic movement sends the ocean floor inland
forms = ranges.
geologist comes along... and thinks in a fashion the range was always there,
and that a magma dyke or vein intruded and thus... they chase the veins to keep
inline with most all other - B.C. projects... looking for a veining - deposit.
more emphasis should be placed on the shales...
In Colombia, most all the silver is seen in the shales along with copper.
In, del norte pics.. .as mentioned prior - the shales are seen with, strong minerlaization.
The veining is only offering up, thin intercepts...
veinning peerhaps came after the shales and isthrowing the juniors off.
now.. what's under the shales ?
if we look at the crackle zone.. we can see another formation, completely different than
the veining or shales... i see lots of molten carbonates / quartz, rhyolites with what appears
to be minerlas with in...
sediment layered banding shales
few veins intrudes the shales.
follow veining under shales
most likely points to the crackle zone where the carbonates could sprawl with less resistence
while the shales atop - was too much ressitence and thus.. only a few dykes could
penetrate through...veining = crckle zone association.
shales completely different formation.
Sedimentry banding - stratabound formation.
In one of the pics on dec's website -
the shale sediments banding can be seen in a - lift phase - where the dtke or vein broke thorugh.
Tell tale sign of... the vein intrudedthe - shale banding -
now look ot the crackle zone - perrhaps the emination of where the vein fluids originated.
volcanics atop
ryholites - thin sections
shale banding with intrusive veining
crackle zone below shales = larger portion of the carbonates crystals.
Now... don't anyone get thier nickers in a knot...
It's simply my own interpretation.
Simply ask how many juniors have had a poke at this ?
Exactly... with numerous maps that don't even correlate.
So... what's another interpreation.