GrahamB wrote: realization wrote: Here is an explanation if you want to twist words around so it looks like AD is the evil one although he looks like a stoner hippie it’s not wrong to make money as an investment banker.
So for the $ statement that walter white or johnny or whatever his alias is
It’s less the $5 million in cash the banking fee was around 8 or 9 percent of $53 million that’s $4.77 or $4.24 million.
However that doesn’t go into Anthony Durkacz pocket!!!!!
If you guys knew any better how investment banking works you should know any sales person at an investment bank such as first republic or other sales person at other banks which there are a lot of, they get their commissions.
So it’s totally untrue and false that Anthony pocketed $5 million in cash.
For the warrants they were issued but if you check sedi fillings he NEVER exercised or sold one warrant.
Also the same brokers who would get cash commissions $$$$ also get the warrants proportional
So the value that Walter white / Johnny / Borat or whatever your alias is claim above $28.7 million would be true had
1) Anthony Durkacz got every dollar and warrant in commissions which didn’t happen and
2) Anthony Dukracz pulled a Thomas Fairfull and blew out the stock from the warrants.
But Anthony Durkacz didn’t and that’s proven by sedi insider reports.
Also about investment banking in general… commissions get paid by the company regardless.
So because AD delivered better than expected, and without raising money FSD wouldn’t exist, AD is being criticized yet worse than that the compensation amounts they claim he received are false
So please stop spreading lies and start spreading facts I will respect you guys more if you admit the truth
What you are presenting here, is a biased and selective summary of what actually happened.
The facts are, that Durcaz did through investment banking with First Republic bring FSD to the market. For this they received a significant payment, the size od which as questioned independentlty .
This has been well documented in the past.
It is disingenious at best, and dishonest at worst to indicate that he would receive no payout from this given that he is one of the owners of the investment bank that brought this forward.
Not only did his firm receive a payout, but he also received shares in part controlling interest in this company through the share structure.
What is particularly concerning however, is the misinformation that existed from almost the beginning with HUGE, and the promotion that resulted in a citation from OTCQX, and a successful lawsuit.
Your summary and representation of the events, are in dispute.