RE:Crypto Stocks
I think the current hesitation is probably a result of the mixed messaging out there. BC guys are confident that BC will break 100K in the near future (I even saw a claim of 300K by year end). On the other hand, non-BC experts are expecting a massive correction at any moment. It seems like a bit of a wait-and-see vibe.
The timing of the BD did seem a bit odd to me. Granted, BIGG can't control the SP, but doing the deal right before the Q4 2020 quarterly hits (which I assume should be any day now...the recent webinar suggested the next two quarterly reports will be really positive), and right before potentially having their Restricted Dealer License granted just seems like poor planning. Perhaps they were under the gun and didn't have a choice with timing, but one would expect that if the next few financial reports are positive, and they get the license, the SP will (hopefully) rise. Thus, aiming to the BD after those events would have meant more capital for less stock, and less dilution. I imagine there are lots of moving parts to putting together the BD and it was likely in the works for awhile, so perhaps it was essentially out of their hands, but it still seems like unfortunate timing.
I guess that is what I am waiting for...that Restricted License and the next few financials. Plus, it remains to be seem how well Qlue can start push deeper into the market that is dominated by Chainanalysis. Deeper market share capture by Qlue plus the Netcoins side of thing could and should propel BIGG SP nicely higher. The when and by-how-much questions and answers elude me though.
I have some doubts, but I also have some optimism, which is why I am still holding my BIGG :)