RE:RE:4justice,go listen to the conference call: I wouldn't say Stickyscamo is conned.
Either incredibly dumb or he's part of the con. He spams this board with hundreds of posts of the same irrelevant spun reality to hid others posting reality. He's been pumping all the way down from $20, he's lost 75%, and will continue to do so. He must be working with the con people at Thomvest.
With this 700M lawsuit facing them they will need to cool off on other targets on their radar. Let's hope that we will nail these guys so that they cannot continue unethically harvesting investors money through further deception on our markets. This predator cannot be allowed to continue this way!
Transit77 wrote: Man they conned your good. Nothing is coming. Just SP going to $0 with your children's college money being used to pay rent at your moms place. It's over camo