Let's celebrate the federal government every April Fools' Day. How fitting a holiday to toast a byzantine, irresponsible, and largely untouchable system of red-tape rule-makers and above-the-law actors who do little for the American people other than overpromise, underperform, and charge a hundred times more than they're worth for the service. This is a bureaucratic leviathan so corrupt that it requires a cottage industry of lobbyists to enrich the "public servants," so unserious in its missions that it can't finish one war before starting the next, so anti-American in its sentiments that it routinely proclaims its citizens the most villainous racists and rubes on Earth, and so incompetent in executing its long-term strategies that its reckless spending of borrowed monies has pushed the dollar to the brink of collapse.
What profligate, vain, sanctimonious fools have permanently taken over the national government. What morally vacuous scoundrels and scolds have taken up residence where giants of intellect and great defenders of freedom once stood. How craven yet supercilious are these embarrassing Marie Antionettes who bask in their own illusory superiority while nonchalantly declaring that men are now women, that fear of death justifies destroying daily life, that face masks magically prove one's virtue, and that all "free" Americans must now bow down before the state's false religion of the woke and perpetually aggrieved. Caligula had nothing on the current crop of poseurs and pretenders who rule Americans through fear while doing absolutely nothing for America. The least we can do is reserve one day on the calendar for recognizing how foolish our leaders truly are, for it's clear that the federal government takes us all for fools 365 days a year.