Very thorough article on updated CYP info Old process: The drawbacks of using sulfuric acid
The sulfuric acid process requires large amounts of the unstable molten sulfur to be transferred to the site, which acted as a bottleneck for production capacity in the PFS. To create the sulphuric acid, the molten sulfur is heated which has some bad side-effects such as odors. Cypress Nevada Neighbor, Lithium Americas Thacker Pass clay lithium project, will use sulfuric acid in their lithium extraction.
New Process: Cheap, Scalable with Zero-Carbon Potential
In August 2020, Cypress revisited earlier testing using hydrochloric acid with the aim to replace the sulfuric acid process. The new hydrochloric acid process proposed by Cypress does not require sulfur to be shipped to the site but rather produced from the existing brines in the valley, greatly reducing the project’s environmental and social impacts. The hydrochloric acid can be produced on-site through an electrolysis process called the Chlor-Alkali process. only using table-salt, water & electricity.
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