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Nextleaf Solutions Ltd C.OILS

Alternate Symbol(s):  OILFF

Nextleaf is a federally regulated manufacturer and distributor of cannabis vapes and oils under its prohibition-era brand, Glacial Gold. The Company’s multi-patented ingredient processing technology transforms cannabis and hemp biomass into high-purity distillate at an industrial scale. Nextleaf is a low-cost producer of cannabis oils, and supplies THC and CBD ingredients to partners across Canada. Nextleaf has been issued 19 U.S. patents and over 100 patents globally, on cannabinoid processing.

CSE:OILS - Post by User

Comment by hopefullon Apr 01, 2021 1:59pm
Post# 32923977

RE:RE:RE:RE:Game Changer

RE:RE:RE:RE:Game Changer
I think the clients they are attracting are very small companies and are testing the waters with NL. Let's face it no one in the space has a proven track record so why would you Tue yourself to a long contract. I would do batch contracts only This is why they don't name companies they are dealing with. If I were that company I would not want my name tied to NL yet.
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