Tradind range ..Most probably going to the $ 22 share price trading range.
You want a good reason :
On a ''bull park''figure on the LPG exportation to Japan from the 2 location:
Ripet has shipped 8 LPG Tanker this quarter for about 369 000 tons ( to be confirmed mid April) comparer to 6 LPG Tanker for 257 793 or 43 % increase.
Ebitda for the Q1 2020 was $ 27 M
On an average in 2021 the average Ebitda/LPG tanker was $ 4,3 M
So Ebitda to be around $ 35 M .
A Ferdale probably 7 LPG Tankers for a potential Ebitda of 30 M
and a total of EBITDA of $ 65 M in the Q1
Bull park figure Ebitda for ALA with the LPG exportation to be $ 65 M or $ 38 M more in the Q! 2021.
Great showing and the Market is taking note.