RE:RE:What Happened to Kroger Hey Panny. I've opined many times on the Kroger fail. It was a different kind of situation that most because it was an actual deal that came and went with no explanation. Frankly a situation like that to me is a huge red flag. But here we are again with a new bit of news that has no external validation and people take it at its face value. That's the only reason I even think of Kroger at this point. Doesn't anyone ever look at the past and all its undelivered promises?
To your point on what happened at Kroger I have a theory revolving around the former CTO. He appeared to be an actual hands on kind of guy as opposed to solely a manager. He co-authored some patents that Sunrise has for the shelf tech. He seemed to be quite involved in Sunrise. Given this it doesn't seem crazy to think he was a champion for the Yfi tech. It so happened that not long after the Kroger deal was falling apart he retired. It's quite possible his leaving meant the Sunrise business lost momentum. They haven't done anything of note that I've read and now it's run by a guy with line responsibility at Kroger. So maybe the program has gone dormant for now. As for the shift to Broadcom I assume they did that due to the unavailability of Yfi product
Pandora wrote:
leodevoe wrote: It was 4 long years Yfi teased their F500 client. They worked that account and from all appearances finally landed a deal. They received a PO for $1.1M. They earned revenues of a little over $300K. Then, poof, nothing. What happened?
Well, no one knows. After the Kroger bump revenue fell off a cliff. They have never come out and said why they stopped shipping product. Some time later they said they were retooling. Building a new cheaper chip. Did they have to do this to continue sales to Kroger? Or was this a business decision. It would be interesting to know. No matter what the reason was the business was certainly put into a dive. They haven't had product in years.
So with all of the above said I guess the point is transparency. They have pumped out reams of big news and then never followed up on why it just faded away. This case was particularly egregious given the weight a deal like this should bring to a fledgling company. Providing some sort of insight would actually help the cause not hurt it. To me it’s the typical venture fatal flaw. Endlessly pump out “big” news and never provide any insight into the actual operation.
So, what's the deal with the T1? Will anyone ever know? Will it fade away like all the previous new? Kroger, Mediacom, Rare, and, and, and.
Maybe the bigger question is why people keep taking everything Yfi pumps out as gospel.
Hey Leo it's good to see you are trying to breathe some life into the board. Getting YFI back trading again spurred a bunch of activity but now it appears they have gonne back into that mode of no follow up again. Get the masses excited and then drop them with no story as to what and why and when.
Back to your question - "what happened to Kroger"? The whole Kroger rebuilding thing was a big story. They were going to redesign their whole shopping experience with wifi technology for a more open shopping experience eliminating most of the interaction with cashier lineups.
Did a tech failure with the YFI chipset collapse that whole program? Was Edgewater deemed to be the culprit in the downfall of the whole 2900 store transition? We did see where Broadcom come out with a similar chipset and antenna for the Kroger hardware but did that revive everything? Has Kroger gone on to implement all these tech changes in their 2900 stores using the Broadcom tech? Or was there a glitch in the whole concept from the start. i.e. What Happened to Kroger - regardless of Edgewater tech?
Has anyone followed the Kroger wifi implementation story?