HonestlyThat presentation sucked this morning. A lot of blood shed would have been prevented if he just stressed that Aristotle was launched and they had made 2.8 million in Q4. His most exciting statement was when he said "exciting times, exciting times here" and it all went down hill from there. His presentation was seemingly deliberately unclear, With any financial saviness, he would know that presentation was not conducive to stock growth to carry forward momentum. Stakeholders should not have to deal with 40% drops in one day, that keeps a lot of investors at bay. They have the right tools, they have the technology, they have good vision, but the way this information is presented is severely lacking. This news release just now said more and gave more confidence than that presentation, and it's released after market on a long weekend!. "Aristotle launched, and we made this much money" that's all I needed to see. This was the chance to knock it out of the park. This isn't bashing, but maybe someone else should be presenting this, a marketer, not a scientist.