LET'S PLAY SUPPOSESuppose " Sedimentry " theory that is... wink.
Suppose this photo was the south side of Del Norte.
Looking at the picture - It would mean -
your're standing south - facing north and west - is to your right.
Suppose these rocks we see behind the dril lrigs - were stratabound sediment sheets
It would certainly make for an interesting discussion - seeing that the larger sheet
left side of picture is - flat with what appears as, iron laminates.
Too flat to dismiss - and to verical / on angle-- to dismiss.
MAIN POINT BEING Westerly sediment floor that may have been pushed inland would fit the mold to a - T.
Or... existing ground was sediment - where ocean was long ago -
And... seismic activity rasied it vertically, in upright formation.
( mineral side ) is vertical / upright in a stack formation
such would support a sedimentry ocean floor upheaval.
stationary ( local formation where former ocean exisited ) or, sediments came inland.
Off to the right - smaller outcrop rock - i can see a small portion of the rock appears
to have a sediment layering... though vague, and rest of rock is not showing a layerimg,
this seems to have a mix going on... but,,.. it may have experienced hot molten iron which
changed it's original formation.
So.... if this pic was taken from the south facing north...
It would mean the verticlal sheet like rock formations support a west to east upheaval.
And as so.... one would want to be drill on the side of the sheet formations.
In this case.. i'd point the drill rig at a 45 degrees going through the sheet banding.
I would think the key here is...
If the sheet banding is vertical... one would have to track the vertical sheet
with a pitch that keeps hitting it... but going deeper....each time to keep hitting it.
Finding a sheet banding that is not so verical - suchas the north side of Del
which portrays the banding did not experience a breakage with veritical upheaval.
In short - drilling steep vertical sheets will results in - deeper mining of the mineral
versus - tracking the horizontal sheet banding - far cheaper to track, drill, mine.
This is why i like that banding on the south side of Del.... Helicopter pic. ( tueton website )
But.. here is the other pic - inwhich this whole post is about....