Are perhaps the most popular of all - batteries.
Why is this ?
It's lead attributes that allow for increased capacity for electrical charge.
Cold or warm conditions - lead regins.
Salt batteries have come a long way...
But evenstil, salt batteries have thier issues.
Graphites are truly remarkable - yet,,, if one were to disect the dynamics of graphite,,,
there would be the elemental values of, lead + carbon at play.
Each with thier rightful - charge values that allow for high rentention of electrical charge
Is simply the alteration of these minerals from a natural to a man formed - prodcut.
Altering their origina lcomposition.
One can bring forth a simple black carbon power and spray micron - nano - mickel on the micron carbon powder and suddenly - one has just made a synthetic carbon that has taken
on a hybrid form - allowing for super electricial condctivity.
This is where - metals meet tech
And where - juniors go form bland to super junior status.
It's the ability of the junior to go the extra mile....
By way of jumping in the tech arena and meddling / teaming with a tech frim
inwhich has a spin on a new hybrid metal ideal.
So... if one were to jump in this green energy sector....
where would one want to position themselves ?
Lead has that kind of stigma in which must be - re invented.
Lead batteries, still exist.
Graphitics + carbon are squeezing in.
Each have high electrical charge capacity.
So.. .what should one do to hybridize a metal andcreate something interesting for
the energy sector ?
One should point their compass to the periodic table- good place to start.
And, know which metals offer the highest charge capacity.
What comes to mind ?
If graphitics wihch have lead attributes are being accepted into the green energy battery space - then... suchis a pretty good place to begin.
My own idea i've hadfor sometime ?
Hybrizing lead into platlettes or speres
then... coating it with silver.
It would allow many silver/lead juniors to usher in each of the metals via hybrid form,
into the grene energy batterty sector. ( most all silver mines have lead )
Or, carbon black pellet / platlette with silver coating.
It begins by.... hybridizing a metal then, patenting.
Exclusive rights - selling the licenses to others.
There you go... Decade.
Gift form, Wango~