RE:Great financials. Confusing call and roll out I hope we will see marketing for Aristotle and the new total patient care program/Avrt in the coming weeks. I listened to the CC again and James does say the market for Aristotle is huge but the market for a complete patient care system which includes Aristotle is many times the size of just Aristotle on its own. So many times the rev potential. Which seems to explain why they have pivoted to a DTC model. They are still pursuing large health groups / employers as was the previous plan but see the DTC as a faster and better way to market Aristotle and focus on a Patient centered business model. Covid19 has played a big part in all this change. People are staying close to home and we need some way to reach, test and treat them if needed. I think James said Care Oncologists will be joining the BOD's and indicated they will speak on future CC's. Maybe for the Q1 CC???? If James elects to step down maybe the Chief of Care Oncology in the USA would be a possible candidate for CEO. Many questions going forward.