We have to listen to people who bring lawsuits because factsbased.
And then the jury (and electorates in elections) or sometimes just the judge
(and supreme court for a nation's legal decisions) if will hear the case, decides
the matter.
Unless are stalling tactics for years or a dictatorship coup occurs, preventing
such hear of cases or of elections.
Elections are lawsuits in effect, and have to have the best representative
lawyers (ie candidates) on both parties sides, representing what they perceive
to be the facts.
However both parties now are semites - marx on the democrats side and
jesus on the republican side.
So both sides are communist based, and in effect crack pots and non
western based.
Which means along with being both communist and centralized based (by
marx on democrats side and by jesus on republican’s side), the parties are
non facts based, but emotions or emotions attempt at facts and
reason, which is faith, also known as made up stories (facts), based.
The consequence of that is, that over time elections especially, are no
longer dealing with real facts but stories facts, in elections.
Euphemisms you might say, that of trying to put in good terms of what is
really bad things happening instead.
However in legal matters there is still the attempt to deal with real facts and
not stories facts if not so much in political election of deciding matters.
So both political parties do everything they can to stop taking political matters
to the legal system even as concerning science, medicine and economics, to
be decided on. Since they know real facts are tried to be used in legal courts
and often successfully.
The two parties with stall, postpone and lie (story facts in place of real facts)
the situation, to keep the issues out of the legal court system.
Often taking 20 years to resolve the matter legally in legal courts, and thereby
have the recognition of the problems and penalties so watered down, that one
wonders if a victory has taken place if the 2 parties lose.
Here is RFK jr (a great law suit lawyer based on real facts), and not based on
the 2 parties’ stories facts, ie made up facts, on the matter.
It applies to the covid-19 released on us, just as the 2 parties released
terrible centralization of power on the democrat's side (now using covid_19
to get more centralization of power by deceptive means. Also the distortion
of science, medicine, and sciences in general so elites can’t be controlled
properly). And great allowance of pollution and natural despoliation of nature,
on the republican’s side. And great reliance on bible and jesus stories, so once
again can’t be controlled properly, since everything is ultimately stories based.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w05v4CBKDbU and
more specific pertaining to covid-19 release on us to get greater centralization
of power and control over us. Usually called communism or its big brother
fascism or religious brother of religious dictatorship. With the supposed condoning
of that by god, and a love god’s presentation. Though according to the bible
it jesus is a Rod of Iron dictatorship when jesus comes back and no more mister
nice guy.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-5Zpmh6yPI and
Rod of Iron jesus when comes back.
https://www.bing.com/search?FORM=INCOH2&PC=IFJ1&PTAG=ICO-c9d0fc87&q=jesus+comes+back+as+rod+of+iron An attempt to give both sides of what is going on. On whether a coup of the
World is happening or is just a normal virus by nature or accidentally released
by a Lab (china) and world closed down response to it.
Naomi Wolf on Karl Tucker show.