RE:Questions, I would love for Ucore to answer. Completely & utterly WRONG, perfectly illustrates just why the US has been hopelessly floundering with endless DOD, DOE, GAO, & other detailed reports identifying the problem for now well over a decade but not one identified the means to a sustainable solution, until a fairly vague clause appeared in the DOD tender docs, which were quickly buried by corrupr GOP senators.
China has been playing the US as rubes for years, and just look at the stupid, stupid media beating up their headlines re China cutting off REO, dumb asses didn't even realise Xi visited a magnet plant! China has been manipulating trade for years to make REO expensive vs NdFeB. There will never be a customer base for US manufactured NdFeB until someone gets smart enough to deal effectively with Chinese trade manipulation. And any thinking Cruz's dumb assed 200% tax deduction was some sort of solution needs to take a class in 1.01 economics.
Fortunately Biden has appt'd highly proficient experts to Cabinet, NOT donors & political flunkies, Trade is Katherine Tai with a formidible reputation both sides of politics. Watch for her to call a 13% tariff on Chinese NdFeB after the conclusion of the 100 day review, then it's game on.