Hey All!hello HIVE board! im still on vacation for another week, but had some down time and scrolled through the last week of posts. some of the highlights:
1. God topic, I laughed the whole time I read the comments on this topic. The bible thumpers (FarmBoy) trying to grandstand with their beliefs, was hilarious. This isnt the place to discuss religion so ill end it here. funny stuff though!
2. HIVE has a day of gains, of course everyone is asking where I am? ... even though I said I was going on vacation for 2 weeks. Also I notice HIVE is down today, and no one is wondering where I am. lol
3. Calling HIVE a dog of a stock that is underperforming the rest of the mining companies. is accurate. Sure you don't want to hear that, but its a factual, measureable FACT. HIVE's share price is the lowest. PERIOD. deal with it.
4. Overall quiet, mostly the boad has been quiet the last week. Likely because Bitcoin is still in a holding pattern below 60K.
I let some of my friends (who also work in the finacial industry) read some of my more favourite posters comments. Everytime someone said something factually untrue, we took a tequilla shot. Needless to say everyone was hammered in about 30 mins.
They all agree im the biggest idiot of all for wasting my time trying to teach economics to the chimps on this board, But I feel it more like me doing my small part to make the world a little less dumb.
Ill check in after im back from vacation!
p.s those of you wishing for my death are top notch humans, especially jackcross, who private messages me how he thinks im treated unfairly, but then publicly piles on to the hopes I am dead. hes such a good person.
*puffs cigars
*sips scotch*