In this game you have to connect your ownDots. You can't rely on garbage analysts with less then fifty percent success that need a story to write. You really think the aforementioned will make you rich? You will find more truth out of a saddam Hussein new paper or in North Korea news reel then you will out of some of these garbage analysts reportings. The whole GameStop saga has taught us the game is rigged the news is fake and even when we are winning they will shut down the buying process when it's never happened before in history. They TURNED OFF THE BUY BUTTON ACROSS BROKEREAGES and every news article was releasing negative press about GameStop to stop the squeeze. It was then discovered citadel owns and or has massive financial interests in Robinhood. You guys see the Wall Street scam that takes place. They been robbing retail investors forever and call us dumb money behind the scenes. It's time to burn those walls down. It's time to stop reading those dumb articles with hired dummies with less then fifty percent success meaning he's just guessing. Roulette wheel red or black. Aphria a massive opportunity with this downward pressure lately in my opinion and my opinion is real research. I spend hours reading