RE:Clues for Q1.....Looks like I got my shares today...thank you to the person that sold to me at that price.
Anyone know why USA production fell from 11.1 to 10.9M barrels in just one week?
Surprised the oil markets and media have no theory and this is being ignored.
Should be one of the most important lines in the EIA report.
The decline rate on USA shale should kick in on of these months. Ballpark on current rigs working...should be under 10.5M barrels of USA production eventually.
Every month wells decline, need alot of new ones.
kavern23 wrote: Well it looks like average WTI for Jan was 52 bucks and 59 in Feb for all unhedged oil.
Average of 55.58 for the two months.
Getting a differential discount of 13 USA for the two months...higher then I thought based on dailes.
Should have March Wti numbers soon to do another CF forecast for Q1.
Now that Opec has released production numbers for next few months...CJ may sit in this range for awhile until company news comes out.
I don't think unless news comes out we can ever break 2.75 just on oil price strength.
I was hoping CJ would hit 2.45 again yesterday as I will bite at that price but not higher. Need to make at least 25-35 cents.
Nice being able to have capital sitting and ready. Can't find anything to buy as volumes in most stuff is still weak.