RE:Entry point??DME has so many catalysts lined up. It will probably continue it's advance higher. I bought some more this morning at $2.65 which at the time seem high, but now it doesn't. The main thing is just get in. By the end of July DME will be over $5 per share and by the end of the $7 to $10. By the end of 2022 it could be between $20 and $30 per share. Everything about DME is right. The juristiction, the managment, the product, the percent helium, is high, the fact that it is mixed with nitrogen and not methane, the fact that there is a supply deficit, the fact that theUS Helium Reserve is out of Helium, the fact that we are a green company. And many more. Don't miss the boat trying to save 10 cents. Ths is one of those rare stocks where it doesn't matter where you start. It is where you end up that matters. Our CEO Robert Rohlfing said the other day that he would not sell the company for less than $30 per share. By the way, he also said he is and engineerer, not a promoter. I believe this is an easy 10 bagger from here. Don't miss it.