Institutional ownership remains firmAphria with BlackRock and Vanguard among others increased positions. Tilray is over 15 percent institutional owned and 12 percent insider owned. No one sold a share as a matter of fact institutional investors are increasing and they command millions of shares. The stock price will move with the mood swings of the market. Irwin Simon can't control that. What he can do is deliver stellar numbers an astonishing merger and eventually more institutional money will jump in and retailers will follow. We have to endure this ride folks be patient I would never deceive any of you. All of you will be rewards I bet my own skin in this game to back my words up. Watch the institutional investors they haven't budged they have increased so the research it's on the internet. If you don't pay for blackbox Bloomberg check out yahoo finance. A company 15 percent it's more around 17 percent actually institutional owned and 12 percent insider owned like Tilray isn't a bad bet trust me. Aphria either since we will be the same company.