RE:RE:RE:Re ten foot pole je n'ai pas de lien a te donner parce que j'en ai pas. Il n'y a pas de march publique pour le quartz comme il y a pour l'or, l'argent, le petrole, etc.
Regarde les mines d'or en Abitibi. L'or est extrait des veines de quartz auriferes... pourtant la compagnie ne vend que l'or uniquement et pourquoi on n'entend pas parler du quartz? Parce qu'il le jette tout simplement.
De plus, Bernard l'a deja dit dans une video sur Agoracom qu'il n'a pas besoin de mine de quartz mais je n'ai pas le temps de chercher laquelle. Alors regarde les videos pour faire ton DD svp
bcsc wrote: I guess you missed it, but he did, over 8 hours before your post.
I guess that doen't fit into your narrative
Could you provide some links to support your assetion that Quartz is ridiculously cheap at this point in time as that is not a commodity that some of us follow.
I do know that Quebec has denied permits for new quartz developments due to disruptionn of Caribou migration? Having their own supply of high quality quartz and not relying on market conditions used to be viewed as a plus back when.
Lighten up and enjoy your day.
electriqueman wrote: We'll see if you'll keep your word and apologize 10sailer10.
Probably you haven't known HPQ long enough? You may have just come to do some short selling with HPQ but that's not the point!
I've said it before and I'll say it again: HPQ DOES NOT NEED TO OPERATE A QUARTZ MINE TO PRODUCE SILICON!
This is one of the reasons why HPQ is selling itself as a low cost nano-silicon producer!
HPQ does not need to mine quartz and then transform it into silicon.
HPQ will buy quartz from other mines at RIDICULOUSLY LOW prices.
Most of the minerals extracted from mines in Quebec and in the world are extracted from quartz which includes various minerals such as gold for example.
The quartz is rejected after the desired material is extracted. Therefore, quartz is a waste product from other mines.
Now, these other mines will fight to sell it to HPQ... So, it's a bargain for HPQ.
Also, HPQ's PureVap process does NOT need premium quartz. Ordinary quartz is perfectly transformed into pure silicon (4N).
I am now waiting for your apology for telling falsehoods. HPQ does not need a quartz mine to produce silicon.
10sailor10 wrote: Hello. I read on sedar that they said they may or may not have the rights to mine land claims, that was there for a reason. They have done no exploration work trying to mine silicon? From what i gather all the tech is done by pyr? To me all they have is the name silicone and nothing else going for it, correct me if im wrong and i will state i made a mistake. Might has well be called HPQ WHATEVER if they dont own any tech related to this process and not mining silicon ??