RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:So far so good Again, a webcast for such a minor news (AACR posters) does not make any sense, even more, three day before a conference call on quaterly results.
A quick research on my own and I found a 2018 paper stating that sortilin is overexpressed in prostate cancer. Why the company is nor listing prostate cancer among those overexpessing sortilin? I don't know.
Elevated expression NTSR3/sortilin is also found in some types of human cancer cells and tissues including brain, breast, and prostate, which suggests a role for this protein in tumorigenesis [13], [15], [16], [17], [18]. Wino115 wrote: Agree-- I hope Leah reads this, but I just saw two more companies reference that they will be doing calls next week to review their AACR presentations for the financial community. They need to get the word out and no better way to do it. Like I said, other than a few on this board most investors don't catch all the key issues presented in clinical ePoster presentations. It needs to be aggregated, put into context with all the other studies and spoon fed to us investment monkeys.
SPCEO1 wrote: I would think the PR would come out on Saturday, or perhaps Monday, but it seems likely one will be produced. Better yet would also be the conference call some here have suggested since that would help draw investor interest to the situation much more so than a press release. Actually, the company needs to adjust to the times and commit to doing much more frequent investor calls as they navigate through the NASH and cancer trials. Don't hold your breath waiting for that, however, as they have never yet given almsot any indication they are adapting to the changed investor relations environment (the exception being the Water Tower Research call).
Lee430 wrote: Question, since they are presenting at the AACR on Satuday and assuming there will be at least something new of material importance should we expect a PR from them on Friday? If so I am hoping IR really steps up the game for this oppertunity.