RE:Thoughts?Craiger02 wrote: So I've been digesting this all morning and I like many others are not thrilled with this at all. I am not a fan of Canopy at all & I saw the potential for supreme being much higher than this offer. A couple things to wrap our heads around though...
A) who is to say that Beena doesn't step into the new company and help to turn that company around just as she has done with us. They desperately need a new outlook on how to properly manage that company both through scale and quality development...enter Beena/Supreme. If that happens, I would be holding any share conversion possible and quickly become a Canopy cheeeader
B) There is a possibility (although small) that other large players could step in and beat this offer
does anyone know what happens to warrants if the deal closes? I'm holding a decent amount and I've never held warrants on an acquired company
you are right Beena I think will turn weed around that's why I'm holding and I think Beena is a smart woman" Business woman" weed is going to be competing with. Tilray and aphria now DNT forget so I think this is a good move on fire .