Offer coming for 40% carried? Is it true?I have heard this concept circulating. Rumor only at this point, but circulating. It's really simple. Here it is:
A major makes an offer to both AMK and TUO for their respective 20% carried interests resulting in a 60/40 joint venture. AMK and TUO are in the enviable position of not having to raise any money to fund the 60,000 meters of drilling that Mr. Konkin is planning on doing in the near future. Buying that 40% has got to look attractive. Especially with Mr. Konkin so confident that $30 million dollars will find another 30 million ozs!
Would AMK accept an offer? Would TUO accept an offer? Would a hostile offer be put forward if a friendly offer was rejected? What offer price would the shareholders accept? What would an offer do to AMK's market price? What would an offer do to TUO's market price? Rocket fuel. Sleep on that one. LOL