Zena Shares will convert to HEXO.... regardless of what the company did, regardless of what managment did, what they get paid, who bought and sold what shares.. etc etc etc.. go get over all of that and move on.
The shares of Zenabis will convert over to HEXO at a rate of .01772 per Zena share if and when the vote for the deal gets approved by Zenabis Shareholders. That vote is expected in apx 4 weeks (May 13th), upon approval the shares should convert within a short time afterwards (days, maybe a week or two).
Between now and when that vote occurs, the market will set the shareprice of Zena shares each and every day. The most influencial factor right now on Zena shareprice is the price of HEXO shares and HEXO has been trending up over the last few sessions.
If you are a Zena long and you are in the red, start doing some research on HEXO to learn about it's products, books and potential going forward.