Stickyscamo You are truly an idiot Stickyscamo! :)
You and you unethical masters will be revealed. You can attempt to hide the truth by posting the same ridiculous nonsense everyday all day long to hide it. It's coming Beavus! There are hundreds of who know the truth! I certainly don't need to play your game to deceive others. Think about the kids you are affecting by working for Thomvest. You are a disgusting POS dude! Chooo Chooo, it's coming dumb azz.
Look at the low volume! When this hits you'll all be tripping over each other to get out. Look at FibroGen and what just happened to them, this will be even more revealing for Thomvest!
Look at all the law firms lining up to sue them. Perhaps current investors can also use them when the truth is realized by the ones not knowing. You are the other hand, sure hope that you get taken down with it and actually have skin in the game rather than following commands.