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Hillcrest Energy Technologies Ltd HLRTD

Primary Symbol: C.HEAT Alternate Symbol(s):  HLRTF

Hillcrest Energy Technologies Ltd. is a Canada-based clean technology company, which is engaged in the business of developing clean energy technologies. The Company is focused on providing advanced power conversion technologies and digital control systems for next-generation powertrains and grid-connected renewable energy systems. The Company operates through two segments: Clean Energy and Corporate. It also engaged in a variety of research and development (R&D) activities associated with its Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) technology platform and commercializing projects associated with specific applications being developed on the ZVS technology platform. The Zero Voltage Switching is an inverter technology platform to be deployed into several products, including an EV traction inverter, a simplified EV on-board charging solution, a grid-connected inverter and a multi-level inverter.

CSE:HEAT - Post by User

Comment by JackCrosson Apr 09, 2021 5:39pm
Post# 32971286

RE:RE:RE:RE:Morningstar Quantitative Reports a fair value of .10

RE:RE:RE:RE:Morningstar Quantitative Reports a fair value of .10

Yeah, just checked. The release of the document is 07APR2021, but the analysis within that document is still showing early November 2020. 

The information is out of date, no analytics have been run recently.  

2020oilgamble wrote: Sure, but dated November what 2020 ?????  Come on, tell the crowd how its 6 months old

Joseisok wrote:
Goldy63 wrote:
Joseisok wrote:
Are you being a damn fool again Josie ?. Did you not see the news and the tie in with ACDC I posted ??. Only a moron bashes this company after that news . Before news I was skepticle  . News out  Its only going to get better  so hell yes hedged my bets . Congrats again to the longs in cheap but hey green is green so better late then never . TGIF Cheers . 

Just the facts ma'am

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