Yes a great find PrussiaProfitGreat informative video.
Gotta say they are doing a great job of keeping the company in the media, for retail or others too do their DD.
I like their way of doing things! Sure they are promotional, but that is great, and another thing it shows me is they are not trying too hide anything or sweep anything under the carpet or out of anyones sight.
Its like everything you need too know is out there for your DD decision making.
It is therefore easy too do your DD , sit back and absorb all that information and then place your bets (money) and then follow the companies news.
Wake up in 1 - 2 years time and you will look at your balance in your trading account and think,
tHE OTHERS HAVE A 8 YR PAYBACK/ we have a 2.3 yr payback. And less if Palladium keeps the $2600 level or maybe it does go too $5000.
Imagine if Palladium was $5000, the payback would be around 6 months time or less?
What bank would not lend money with that payback time.
Great video PrussiaProfit. Everyone Prussiaprofit a give a thumbs up.
Have a great weekend. Time too go out and do some yard work out here in Surrey BC.
Clouds are starting too break and sun starting too show itself. Yee haw! Sunny days hip hip hooray for us shareholders.
Oh ya gotta give Prussia a thumbs up, so here goes Prussia and the others here can do the same.