REGRET IS PAINFUL ESPECIALLY IF YOU SOLD 3.5 MILLION @ 0.02 Continuing Regretting won't change anything but bring more sorrow BUT trying continuing to buy 2,000 or 3,000 now every week if can while it's at these level might heal a bit. Worst off scenario USA FDA don't issue the FORMAL or 2ND EUA for the COVID19 TEST KIT PLUS will MIR go UNDER answer is obvious = NO eventhough the price might dropped maybe a few cents more as MIR is a TOTALLY different MIR POST COVID19. Important Questions to wonder/ponder 1. USA FDA since received of MIR's application HAS not REJECTED it. 2. Or Approve yes CORRECT. 3. Weakens MIR's ability to SELL more During these most crucial TIMES yes CORRECT. 4. BUT it ALSO Weakens USA FDA's ability to reject it with each day passing BY therefore = Equates to their TRUE intentions and ALSO weakens reasoning they can give ie reasons normal time of up to 9 months to a year to analyze BECAUSE/ As the new BIDEN administration already promised SWIFT actions from USA FDA. 5. There was an old saying to be sentence by hanging without a string translated MIR situation while not getting USA FDA'S APPROVAL = CANNOT SELL even for OLD or NEW COVID19 test kit in USA or here AT HOME or ANY WHERE ELSE maybe only in EUROPE not SURE TURNOVER ! = continuing TO wait ! Conclusions NOW If finally USA FDA decided to finally do the CORRECT thing although a bit late MIR is going to finally do the last lap in the 4 x 100 meters maybe also followed by HC then we are all going to HALIFAX for that lobster party BUT might consider continuing to catch next flight to Barcelona after that for a visit ELSE Hold the breath going to a roller coaster ride for some aggressive marketing to outside USA yes EUROPE & ASIA. Either case MIR should be intact