RE:RE:WTI up ARX downBeakr123 , you said "covid is putting a lot of unnecessary worry out there" .
I would say its a bifurcated effort to undermine confidence in Canadian energy which is easy when you control the narative (ie: the media) and a large pool of shares . Canadian media has done the banks bidding by constantly downplaying every bullish signal in energy and droning on and on about covid . Vaccines are being delivered (despite liberal ineptitude) and every day puts us closer to breaking this virus hysteria . The banks know daily how much of what is being held by retail which makes it easy to squeeze the little guy . You will never get a fair shake on the TSX as long as banks are free to short at will . Its the curse of playing at a crooked casino .
Q1 results should be a wake up call for "investors" which should chase out the vultures riding bank algo trading . JMHO