Jeff, what is truly disgusting is the fact that you are pretending to have an issue with someone posting on Easter Sunday.  There is nothing more sickening than when someone plays the religion card, especially from someone who is clearly not religious.  As to it now being "exposed" that CEO sold shares back in early December; that has been posted about on this board no less than 100 times.  I don't believe for a second that you were not already aware of this.  And I would be happy to repostCohen's explanation for selling shares when he did.  And while you say you would never sell shares of your company we both know that there are countless examples of CEO's of publicly traded companies selling shares.  Happens every day.   And in Cohen's case has to do with lack of salary since starting this company.  But other CEO's with massive and long standing salaries sell shares all the time.  As usual, in your concerted and relentless efforts to try and torpedo BUZZ,  you are once again trying to pretend that a children's water gun is a smoking gun.   However, that is an improvement from some of your previous posts where you just flat out lied. 

 Since you are now wanting to pretend to be religious, you should probably be aware that lying is still considered to be a sin.  So is bearing false witness.  So is haughtiness.  So is cursing.  So is stirring up enmity.    All sins you have committed just on Stockhouse.  The bible also says that the lord loveth a peacemaker,  so we can infer how he feels about the opposite type of people.  It is time for you to mend your wicked ways Jeff.  If not for yourself than for your shareholders who are growing very weary of your lack of leadership, which is evidenced by your sagging share price, condemnation and browbeating of your own shareholders, and your lack of focus,  as demonstrated by your side job bashing other penny stocks.  

quote=JefffCEO]Thank you very much about your honest and factual post about the CEO of BUZZ selling 3 million shares at 12 cents. Exposing these facts makes you infinitely more factual than anyone, and completely unlike the pumper peanut squad, including Goldy and Sam who post on Easter Sunday, the most religious holiday in the Western World, with garbage posts.

Had I known that fact I would of not purchased 30,000 shares.  As the CEO of two public companies, I only sell when my companies are taken over, like through a hostile buyout offer, like when Brookfield bought my Western Wind for $420 Million cash.

Having a CEO sell 3 million shares is an extremely troubling sign, and devestating when he sells at 12 cents, as he is basically saying 12 cents is overvalued.  The implication means he thinks nothing of the deals or projects in company and they are worth much less than 12 cents.  

Sam and Goldy are extreme pump and dumpers and I think the investors should call IIROC that they pump while the CEO is unloading a freight train full of stock.  

Disgusting.  [/quote]