Follow The Laws Of Attraction/Quantum Physicsand you will not need to play any games or wish ill on others'. That said, if you are honestly assessing at a certain finite period of time giving all the reasons for why you say what you do than that is another thing altogether. In the end, though the laws of attraction is anything where one puts their energy to be it positive or negative they will attract just that.
The positive works when you are not lying cheating coming from a place of scaricity, competition jealousy anger--it all works on the opposite, gratitude, faith, compassion, and knowing that what you are manifesting is there for you no matter what time in the material sense and that is why I have said either here or elsewhere even when believing in the law and desiring what you do--share management is important that way you don't tie yourself down waiting for things to align you keep moving you wait on those shares you are holding for the higher values.
I have posted because I enjoy doing so but when my price points come and my promises upheld of sorts (they are not fully as I have a huge debt to get rid of) I will most likely disappear then. Nobody actually needs to lean on what I say the laws will get you where you see yourself but there are just typical tools such as strategically buying and selling shares around trigger points at loss and gain levels and whatever one feels will get the best results. I am waiting for my time to come with both mixed feelings--I am very yappy and passionate so I love to post but I also desire to fulfill my ultimate promise which is not to but leave it up to people to reach out if they wish through pms.
I sense my time is coming either this year or the following one so I will enjoy being yappy and as honest as I can be until that time--after that well let's see if I can finally fulfill my word of not needing to post--it will be very tough for me but I do like to keep my word at some point even if it had been broken for a good point of time--
anyways, great to see things moving positively--this is holding strong and that is good--like I said no place but up in terms of overall trajectory at this point.