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MedMira Inc V.MIR

Alternate Symbol(s):  MMIRF

MedMira Inc. is a Canada-based developer and manufacturer of Rapid Vertical Flow (RVF) diagnostics. The Company's tests provide hospitals, labs, clinics and individuals with instant disease diagnosis, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), syphilis, hepatitis, and SARS-CoV-2, in three steps. The Company is engaged in the business of research, development and manufacturing of rapid diagnostics and technologies. Its research is focused on specific areas of the broader diagnostics market, namely the rapid, point-of-care, and in vitro sectors. Its tests are sold globally under the REVEAL, REVEALCOVID-19, Multiplo and Miriad brands. Based on its patented Rapid Vertical Flow Technology, the Company's rapid HIV test has regulatory approvals in Canada, the United States, China and the European Union. Its manufacturing facilities are located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. It provides access to its RVF Technology for researchers, developers, and biotech companies on a license basis.

TSXV:MIR - Post by User

Comment by Notmyname1on Apr 14, 2021 3:02pm
Post# 32994228


 Hi Petey - you've been telling this since September last year. Not once in all of your posts in the whole time read anything in-depth to support your theory. So bring some facts. And what are you interested in what other people invest in? By the way, unlike you, I made a lot of money with stocks.

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