The Bac0n Diaries Part #16 The Bac0n Diaries Part #16
Date: 14/04/2021
Closing Share Prices:
HIVE - $4.35 -13%
RIOT - $50.16 -15%
HUT - $8.21 -6%
BITF - $5.49 -11%
hey all, some of you were confused by todays market crash. let me explain in very simple terms
what we experienced was a short ladder flux naked squeeze attack.
using an instrument known as a falangi to short the market into doing quadruple tranches into a reverse chip mortgage.
to put this into more simple terms
when a lender tries to settle the market sell order at the clearing house, the reverse chip mortgage intervenes and borrows the loan
from the market makers. who then in turn sell this reverse chip mortage into the float of market indicators.
After the tranches build up enough momentum the big short squeeze takes place, and then the credit default swaps get exercised.
its all very simple stuff, and it is totally obvious that I know EXCACTLY what i'm talking about. so you should all listen to me.
the only way for the crypto sector to recover from todays pullback is to
1. continue with the Quantitive easing that is coming from the department of defense
2. introduce stimulus through the falangi and then do a stock buy back of the reverse chip mortgage
3. ensure all tranches are inflated at least 400% to put upward pressure on the market makers
4. make the clearning houses do same day settlements that will force the short ladder flux naked squeeze attack to stop.
did you guys see all the big words I used that I heard from movies and reddit? im super smart arent I
Sign Off:
"The greatest difference between genius and stupidity .... genius has its limits"
this is not financial advice, only a complete inbred moron would read stockhouse in search of information