RE:Risky yes, but why are we in this?swhe wrote: Here are a few facts. Some bit coin miners rose 5 to 8,000% while bitcoin went up 900%. Look at RIOT. Here is a good story and graph to take a look at:
HUT has actually only gone up around 900% during the bitcoin runup. It actually tracked bitcoin. No leverage here. So, what do we take from that. I think we can say that while Bitcoin miners are risky, HUT is less risky than some. Sure we dropped a bit (while bitcoin actually increased), so if anything we are due for an increase. One could easily assume that HUT is undervalued to some of the higher flying BTC miners (when looking at how much leverage we actually achieved.)
Another reason why i am staying with HUT. We will be rewarded soon. Go HUT !!
A couple of things to add. We didn't go down a little during this epic record breaking rise in Btc, we went down alot! We fail to pace with Btc which is troubling in my view because we should (hut still holds 3200 btc's). That alone should be causing price increase alone. Second, obviously the shenanigans continue because everyday, although the price is down there are large crosses and trades being completed. The price is suppressed so this activity can be executed. There must be an agreement to take the shares off someone's hands (Bitfury??). The buyer of these shares will not pay a premium so the price remains down. When this frustrating activity ends we may see the true value of Hut. Another 200,000 at end of day is not Joe retailer!!