Anthropologists are speculating about the age of humankind:
`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Skull bone reveals human ancestor Home erectus lived 2 MILLION years ago making it the oldest specimen on record
- Experts reexamined a skull bone of a Home erectus found in 1974 in Kenya
- It was said to have belonged to a younger hominid, but speculations were wrong
- A new study dated rocks in the area where the skull fragment was discovered
- This led researchers to conclude that the bone fragment is 2 million years old
- This is also the oldest Homo erectus specimen to be discovered to date
- The previous, uncovered in Georgia, dates back to some 1.78 million years
When KNM-ER 2598 was first analyzed, some experts speculated it may have derived from a younger Homo erectus. The bone is ‘a thick hominin cranial fragment preserving much of the central occipital bone