PACIFIC SEEDIMENTRY SHALE Clsssic example of - Sedimentry shale - ocean floor bed - volcanics came up from beneith and raised the ocean shale bedding and perhaps siesmic thrusts.
Why show this pic ?
Simply put - it's on the Pacific side - same side as GT juniors -
And/.. Decade's Del claims also show - shale sedimentry banding or bedding.
It's a good example sedimentry shale pic....
A typicla thrusted on an angle.
I had ot laugh at the geologist - seen scoping the lower float rocks - looking for graphitics.
While the shales and volcanics are staring right at
NOW - if one zooms in on the left side of picture - one will see the sedimentry shales - and will also see - chuncky gold with in the shales.
Now follow the shales on it's pitch and angle - it will be seen again higher up in photo outcropping again with a quartz vein seen - go a little further - and again it outcrops at the top of the ridge. with a good mix of quartz - then... scan to the upper right side of photo and there are numerous outcrops all along the surface in the distance.
I'd be sending up another " whip smart " geologist who has eyes for gold - lol
Guess that's what juniors get when they tel la geologist to only seek graphite -
that's all they'll check - graphite - lol
It would be a fun creek to pan - knowing there's chunky gold fully exposed in the shales...
Dropping out into the creek below....
And this is why - Decade shouldn''t be so gung ho for - dykes and veins -
the sedimentry shales are a good source of minerals ... copper, gold, silver, etc....
Most often the minerlaization will be in a bedded formation severla feet thick - run for miles.
Open this pic in another window - zoom in close and scan the geology.